11 days

We've been working outside of the school yesterday and today in downtown San Francisco while the concrete floor in the warehouse gets epoxied - apparently, the stench is stomach-twisting and nauseating, and if we were to be in there, we'd have to wear ventilated gas masks to prevent us from passing out. So better to be kicked out then to have precious minutes wasted by being out cold. Because - wow! - there's only 11 days left until the first day of school!

We've been doing a lot of planning as we prepare for our collaborator staff to join us next week, and getting excursions and experts on the calendar for the first phase of our arc. We're also trying to coordinate schedules for when things can happen, construction-wise, in the building. As everything has to stop until the floor is completely done and dry, there's a limited number of tasks that can happen while we wait, but we'll still be hard at work this weekend with a gang of parents, students, staff, and volunteers to get things as ready as possible before September 6.