Early Elementary

Brightworks Kindergarten is focused on preserving the spark for learning that children have, fostering curiosity, and utilizing a child’s intrinsic inclination to view learning as an exciting and rewarding process that will continue throughout their lives. 

We leverage the natural learning that takes place through play and weave it together with project-based learning to create a developmentally-appropriate rhythm (which we call an Arc) for our youngest learners.

Learning comes alive as students work collaboratively to tinker, experiment and investigate authentic and nuanced real-world problemsbuilding curriculum-aligned skills in the process. They are ultimately rewarded with enhanced communication and problem solving skills, while joyfully gaining knowledge and experience.

The Context for Learning

Education is influenced by the interaction between child, educator and environment. At Brightworks, the way we view the child’s role in their education is fundamentally different than a traditional academic setting.

Here, we see the child’s experience as a component of equal importance to the other two. And over the past decade using this model, we’ve witnessed the incredible potential of children when they are given the freedom to dive deep and follow their interests.

This perspective aligns with principles articulated in international doctrine about the child’s right to participate and be heard (United Nations Human Rights, 1989), to be recognized as capable ( National Association for the Education of Young Children [NAEYC], 2020), and to make choices about their learning.

Educating the Whole Child through Play

Play is the method by which children’s brains most effectively develop the interpersonal, executive function, communication and problem solving skills required to be future-ready.

When they’re playing, children are doing the deepest learning. The freedom to explore, follow passions, collaborate with peers and master new skills is intrinsically motivating and preserves a love of learning. When paired with the support of our collaborators, access to the outdoors, a community of peers and an incredible variety of learning tools, the learning that takes place is authentic, holistic and fun!

In this environment, play can function as what experts call “a laboratory of the possible,” where creativity blossoms and critical thinking is born. Building a fort or engaging in a game of make-believe can be a springboard to learning.

An Integrated Curriculum

Brightworks’ integrated curriculum is a dynamic approach that allows students to pursue learning in a holistic way, without organizing information into subject specific silos. In the early elementary years, Brightworks follows general learning expectations from organizations like the Common Core, the Next Generation Science Standards, Learning for Justice and the International Society for Technology in Education.

To be prepared for the 21st Century, students build their academic toolbox through projects and play. The mixed age environment further creates opportunities to collaborate with a wide range of peers with diverse problem solving strategies. 

Ultimately, learners will need to apply their knowledge in unknown and evolving circumstances and integrate and transfer learning across multiple disciplines in order to creatively solve complex problems. Our world is changing rapidly and Brightworks is harnessing the latest research to transform education and create a learning environment that promotes flexible thinking, knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to succeed.