Community Involvement

At brightworks, community IS the curriculum.

Education is relational.
Every student will be known and seen.
Building connections and community is one of the key ways learning takes place.

Volunteering at Brightworks is engagement driven and a 'want to', not a 'have to.'

We want your help to create strong community, without creating stress for your family. We have lots of interesting volunteer opportunities. There is a just-right role for everyone. Some folks choose to take on a more detailed role such as crafting our social media presence or coordinating community events like potlucks or camping trips. We also have standalone tasks like bringing snack or driving car pools which keep the wheels rolling!

We encourage parents to model being curious and lifelong learning, and find ways to make connections to the Arcs in the family’s life. For Monster arc, read some monster stories, watch the original Dracula or make monster stick puppets. Once you start to think about it, you see the arc topic everywhere.

We would not be the school that we are without the support of our community. Brightworks Families provide the backbone of support that we need to make our school the vibrant place that it is. We encourage families to engage with the community in small ways, like communication with staff about how their kid is doing, and in big ways, like jumping in with Familyworks for larger events and school support systems. 

Reach out to Familyworks to get involved, stay in touch with the community and ask questions!



Familyworks is the volunteer group of Brightworks parents and guardians who come together to support the Brightworks faculty, staff, students, and families. The group aims to help foster a strong Brightworks family community, and make it easier for families to plug into ways to volunteer and put their efforts toward their areas of interest and strength. Volunteering is optional but welcomed and encouraged where it works for a family. There are many ways to become involved: being a band parent, helping out with admissions, hosting family potlucks and socials, supporting the Maker Marketplace, posting on social media, and more. Familyworks is always looking for new ideas and members to energize these functions and generate new ideas.


Learn more about community happenings and updates here