Community Involvement

From volunteering to partnerships to donations, your support drives innovation and connection at Brightworks.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Because learning is relational, we welcome your support to help create a strong community for our learners and families. For parents and community members, volunteering time or talent at Brightworks is engagement-driven and a 'want to', not a 'have to.'

  • Your help to create strong community, without creating stress for your family, is the goal. We encourage parents to model being curious and lifelong learning, and find ways to make connections to your student’s learning in the family’s life. For Monster arc, read some monster stories, watch the original Dracula or make monster stick puppets. Once you start to think about it, you see learning connections everywhere.

  • Familyworks is the volunteer group of Brightworks parents and guardians who come together to support the Brightworks faculty, staff, students, and families. The group aims to help foster a strong Brightworks family community, and make it easier for families to plug into ways to volunteer and put their efforts toward their areas of interest and strength. Volunteering is optional but welcomed and encouraged where it works for a family. There are many ways to become involved: being a band parent, helping out with admissions, hosting family potlucks and socials, supporting the Maker Marketplace, posting on social media, and more. Familyworks is always looking for new ideas and members to energize these functions and generate new ideas.

Partnerships & Mentorships:

  • Collaborations with local businesses and organizations allow our students to connect with the rich resources of the Bay Area. Whether it is through our connections with the Exploratorium, .

  • Become part of our Human Library. What is a Human Library, you ask?! A Human Library is very much like a regular library where people go to check out books. The only difference is that the books are all human volunteers who have opted to speak about their experiences openly to an interested audience and answer any questions they are asked. These are elders who share their cultural traditions, these are innovators celebrated in their field, and some of our human library volunteers are doctors, educators, or scientists. Whoever you are, you have something to offer students as they delve into their areas of interest. Join our Human Library today and let us know what you’d like to share!


Ways to Contribute:

  • Donations,

  • event sponsorships,

  • and more.


Learn more about community happenings and updates