twenty days to go

Hello and happy August to you, our great and powerful band of on-lookers, supporters, friends. It has been a tough summer for everyone at Brightworks and we have all gone through an intense and challenging time of transition in the past month or so. The biggest changes include the departure of Bryan Welch as co-director of the school, a reorganization of the staff, and a more realistic set of goals for the school. Our school survived the bumps, and we have arrived at a much healthier place of operation with more realistic expectations and a greater emphasis on open communication. Everything is settling into a productive, thriving environment where we are racing full-tilt toward September 6, the first day of school - which is a mere twenty days from today!Today, we have a team of contractors leveling our floor with cement in preparation for constructing the wooden dance floor. All the rest of construction has really been on hold until we get the floor worked out, so it's thrilling to finally hear power tools in the building and to know that the first step is now being completed. The excitement will continue with utmost speed as we keep gathering supplies and build the bare bones of the school for our students.The finish line of September 6 is only the beginning of this wild and crazy ride that is Brightworks School - and we hope you stick with us as we continue to grow and change. Thanks for your support!