
Wednesday was all about transportation. How do you get such a large population around a city to everyone's particular, singular destination? The kids began their study by visiting the Cable Car Museum and Powerhouse. They learned about Andrew Hallidie, the inventor of the cable car, and Friedel Klussmann, who helped save the cable cars of San Francisco.But first, the older kids debated whether every invention should be patented, or if all information and ideas should be free-access.TransportationThe debate got a little heated.TransportationThen everyone hopped on one of the most accessible of transportation options, the Muni bus, to head down to the cable car museum.TransportationThey met Joe Thompson, whose website is so packed in a wonderful way with ideas and history and stories about cable cars that we couldn't resist asking him to join the kids as they explored.TransportationQuestions for Joe included: How did people go to the bathroom? What's the top speed of a cable car? Have there ever been cable car explosions?TransportationWhy, yes, there has been a cable car explosion before: in New York, but only because they were carrying a wood stove in winter time.TransportationThe kids were enthralled by the constant spinning of the gears that pull cables along and make the cars move.TransportationD7K_2673D7K_2680TransportationThere was a clean-up crew down below the cables clearing up all the debris that the cable cars drag in during their days of service.D7K_2706The kids headed out to the park with Joe and asked more questions. They're learning how to interact with experts by brainstorming questions before arriving at their destination and thinking about what they'd like to learn before they get there.TransportationAnd of course there was a break for play.TransportationNothing's better than sliding down the banister!TransportationBack at school there was a moment of reflection...D7K_2707-2...and illustrating...Transportation...before construction began on the maze-city.D7K_2714D7K_2719