strength in hands

Today was the last day of By Hand's Exploration phase. What an incredible arc this one has been! We've seen dozens of experts, visited handcrafting studios, and learned how to work with our hands in ways we never thought possible.Today, the collaborators split their bands into Expression groups of three and four and brainstormed how they could turn their similar interests into workable projects for their declarations.The groups supported each other when they took away different senses and had to help each other using other means of communication.IMG_0843IMG_0838IMG_0844While small groups worked with their collaborators, the other kids learned some principles of aikido and kung fu from Tim and Jason.IMG_0766IMG_0791IMG_0804IMG_0801IMG_0830Puppet shows abound.IMG_0848IMG_0852This afternoon's hot lunch was like Thanksgiving with the Brightworks family... a beautiful moment of passing food around the table and sharing in Kristie's meal together. It made me really realize how much I've come to know all the kids, staff, and parents sitting as a community and how grateful I am (not that I need a reminder!) that I am a part of this school and this adventure.IMG_0847D7K_4339D7K_4334D7K_4329D7K_4324