peter and the pig
The most unusual greeting I've received coming into school in the morning was, "Now, I want you to know that behind those doors is a pig ready for butchering."Peter promised that he'd bring in a pig to butcher when we did the By Hand arc - and he followed through on that promise today!Before the butchering, the teams continued work on their Expression projects. Mackenzie set up the Art Lab and the Boat Lab for her groups during the weekend so they could work in spaces with all the materials they needed in one spot.Chane led her felting group in further study of what their nature scenes will include.Mark helped the stop motion crew set up their equipment.Josh started Connor and Henry on their work for the day.Peter presented the pig to the majority of the kids at school. I was really surprised at how many of them stayed for the whole butchering process and barely batted an eye.There were so many clever pig comments floating around today... I wish I could remember all of them.Logan informed us that Peter was "cutting his pagina."Lola said, "They must have fed him healthy food so it tastes good."The kidneys.Kaia said, "Ew, it's looking at me!"Isaac, watching Peter use the bone saw: "How do zombies get to the brains?"Coke: "Maybe they have bone crackers!"After a morning of butchering, the teams returned to work on their projects.Lunch: porchetta and polenta with sauteed kale.Peter ground the meat with the meat grinder for sausage.We spent the afternoon watching Peter fill sausage casings.Lola showed me a couple tricky math problems (as she described them): 13 + 10 = 23, and 13 + 13 = 26.And sausage for all. Thanks to Peter and Kristie for (always!) volunteering their time and giving us such amazing culinary experiences. Check out the Flikr for more pictures of the pig butchering!