cognitive knots

Ben, Isaac, and Evan took apart a bicycle so that they could take the wheels for their ATV project (all-terrain vehicle, for those acronym-challenged like me) in their new project space: the workshop.D7K_8120D7K_8112D7K_8116Henry concentrated.D7K_8111Connor tested his glider.D7K_8168The Ninja Cats played with giant microbes in the morning and worked on projects in the afternoon.IMG_0281IMG_0287D7K_8154IMG_0307The Flying Fish worked through some cognitive knots about gravity by going to the park and throwing things up in the air and watching them fall.D7K_8136They were able to work together with discussion and experiments to determine that gravity happens all the time, even if something goes up and not down, including paper airplanes.D7K_8156D7K_8143And we had hot lunch today, courtesy of Debbie. Thanks, Debbie!