details from the ninja cats

Leap day for the Ninja Cats...IMG_0504Norabelle looked for gravity facts online and Kaia found amazing illustrations of horses running for hers. Today, we talked about how to "filter" information to get the golden nuggets as you research your project.IMG_0497Theo's asked to play a game of charades that was limited to imitating "Giant Microbes". Here is imitating sleeping sickness (mono) for the kids. They couldn't guess his!!IMG_0491The Ninja Cats love to blow off some steam with a wrestling break!IMG_0488Zada has been enthralled with the humongous dictionary all week. She was under the table in her dictionary cave this morning.IMG_0495Theo noticed that when you drop something on the table it sounds like an earthquake if you put your ear down, so Norabelle joined the fun.Coke and Quinn measured out their pieces to make the prototype of their trebuchet. They've accomplished this independently without adult support. They've loved working in the artist-in-residence studio and they ran around the school excitedly as they found parts and containers for parts.IMG_0498The Ninja Cats love Theo's games. He teaches the kids a game 2 or 3 days per week.IMG_0482We started the day with some role play to practice responding to people who are inappropriately directing their anger at you.IMG_0477Chane loves to incorporate opportunities to work on empowerment. The kids each role played how to respond to an angry person while the other kids pretended to be the angry person.