friction, function, fields

The school was dark and filled with the hum of concentration and work as rain threatened but never quite came today.The Ninja Cats read The Tale of Despereaux together this morning. They loved the part when Despereaux's sister said his ears were too big. During read-aloud of The Wee Free Men, they talked about their own stereotypes of witches compared to the ones expressed by Tiffany or Miss Tick in the book. One of the biggest differences they decided on was that witches in Pratchett's novel never like to be seen running or carrying things, but always keep a piece of string in their pockets.IMG_0173Audrey got really, really far on her potential energy car today! She drilled holes in the wheels because hammering didn't work. The most difficult part was finding a weight that was the perfect heaviness to make the car move.IMG_0187Coke helped Norabelle with drilling as well.IMG_0175Everyone made huge strides in their potential energy cars in trying to get them to function.IMG_0176The Undead Goats prototyped their glider and potential energy machine projects this morning.DSCN2392They wrote haikus individually, then wrote this one together:I got my shirt onI got my socks on but wherethe hell are my pants?The Flying Fish headed out on their Tuesday adventure to Huddart Park.DSCN1276DSCN1271DSCN1261DSCN1281DSCN1266DSCN1282DSCN1290They made it with only a few light sprinkles of rain the whole day, despite looming gray clouds.DSCN1295