So many advances in project work today...The Flying Fish brainstormed ideas together for their paper airplane airshow.A visiting artist taught some drawing fundamentals to Norabelle and Kaia for their drawing projects. They learned tips like how to draw with the whole arm and how to hold the pencil. The girls were engaged for two hours!Norabelle and Kaia raced to the ending circle with their illustrations to share with the school. People "Oooo"ed and "Ahhhh"ed.The Fish made flyers for the airshow, with the date, time, location, and illustrations of paper airplanes.Quinn, Audrey and Theo highlighted their lines as preparation for their first recording of Theo's play, "Da Microbe Play."Ben and Logan made prototypes of their best paper airplane designs.William's declaration was approved for a chain reaction set. He practiced setting up different arrangements....and collaborated with others for more ideas.Coke and Quinn are almost ready to test their trebuchet!And of course, our incredible hot lunch continues to bring new tastes to our palates!