motion: exposition
Exposition night! Filled with cleaning, prepping, parents, friends, peers, support, nerves, and a little bit of showing off. Here's what happened:After a day of feeling the buzz of focused kids, and an afternoon of intense cleaning and setup...We started the night with the Flying Fish's paper airplane contest. Aidan and Ben were pilots, Clementine and Natasha were judges, Lola was announcer, Bruno was the scorekeeper, and Logan was the assistant. They began with a reading of the poem "Who Has Seen the Wind?" and continued on to demonstrating different kinds of throws and measuring each distance. They finished by having their audience throw the paper airplanes they'd passed out at the beginning of our exposition.
Next, we listened to Theo's radio play, "Da Microbe Play," with live microbe puppeteering by Theo and Audrey.
Norabelle made a speech about her comic-making work.
Since Coke and Quinn weren't able to make the open house, they made a video of their trebuchet project to explain all about their work process and the physics of the device.
Kaia showed a video of her accomplishments in learning to draw horses.
Isaac, as his character Jimithy Smithenheimer, read excerpts from his novel entitled, "On the Subject of Sports" and "Some Facts I Would Like to Disprove."
Alexander and Daniel presented their anti-gravity dominoes and explained how they had to make more than thirty identical pieces to make it work.
Henry showed his video documenting the work that Connor has done on his rigid wing glider.
Josh complemented Henry's video by explaining, in Connor's absence, the process that Connor has gone through and the iterations of his project.
We moved over to the cork floor and William presented his wood block domino pyramid.
Zada and Audrey did their aerial silk performances. Audrey's story was about a mermaid princess who gets chased by a shark but then defeats it by chasing it away. Zada's was about the very last bee in the world.
The night was a huge success!
The kids showed clear and obvious pride in their accomplishments through the Motion arc during the Exposition night. Our exposition night showed just how much the Brightworks kids can be dedicated to projects and ideas when they choose ideas that they are thrilled about. Not only that, but they showed incredible respect for their peers' work and support for each other overall.We're so pleased with this Motion arc! We've learned so much since January and are thrilled to return to school and our next arc reinvigorated and re-energized, and ready to take the next big step in the growing and making of Brightworks.See you after spring break!