
The Flying Fish and Undead Goats paired up for a bird watch and a walk around the block to draw birds that they observed.D7K_0540D7K_0542D7K_0548D7K_0544D7K_0560D7K_0565D7K_0566D7K_0573They found an American robin and a mourning dove, and their nests.IMG_0557Then they came back to the art studio to talk about their findings. Later on in the day, the Flying Fish returned to the birds' nests to offer nest-building supplies and do more observations.D7K_0574The Ninja Cats headed out to Dolores Park.IMG_1363IMG_1372IMG_1371IMG_1385They also did observational drawings and pretended that they were spies that needed to closely illustrate their surroundings.IMG_1392IMG_1396IMG_1397IMG_1407Happy birthday, Chane!IMG_1406