Lights! Camera! Salt! Action!

Last month when documentary filmmaker Keith Wilson dropped by to show his film The Shrimp he took questions from the students about how non-fiction movies are made. Wilson’s 15-minute film follows the short life, swift capture and eventual transformation into yummy seafood of a single shrimp in Savannah, Georgia. It ends with the “hero” being eaten and returning via the city’s sewer system to the waters from which it came.DSCN9921We wondered if the kids would see a connection to their salt investigations, so we posed the question: “What kind of movie would you make about salt?”Coke clearly picked up on the back-to-the-river theme.Kaia imagined a more extensive documentary.Mason and Logan didn’t exactly answer the question, choosing instead to… well, make a movie: a slapstick comedy in which “Old Man Logan” barks orders at his zany sidekick Mason. They're prepping for Hollywood!As we move into the Expression phase of the Salt arc we’re excited to see how the previous weeks of exploration are turned into each student’s personal project. Beginning next week the Video Booth will shift focus from questions about salt to weekly updates on what the kids are doing on their projects. On this particular Brightworks movie the time has come for…Action!