small things, big things
I feel like I'm beginning to be redundant when I talk about all the hard work that's happening at Brightworks these days, but it's true! The kids have been working incredibly hard and have been learning to manage their time with setting realistic goals for themselves to accomplish. And the work changes every day. The Brightworks kids face new challenges and new obstacles every morning and leave exhausted with things done in the evening.Some moments from today:Henry and Max continue testing in the kitchen.Amidst the exciting work, the youngest kids were faced with a small sadness that they dealt with in gorgeous fashion today. Yesterday, one of the button quail got sick and died. This morning Coyotes wrote notes and made a casket for the bird to memorialize it.At our corner park, our park maintenance friend Tyler helped the Coyotes dig a grave and bury the quail. The Coyotes held a small service to appreciate its life.Meanwhile the Phantoms and Sand Leopards were hard at work. Nicky and Bruno worked on some infrastructure for Nicky's pulley system.Connor, Ben, and Coke experimented with burning salt to see what kinds of colors it makes as part of their research in their project to make fireworks.Audrey and Natasha sanded lengths of PVC pipes to serve as electron staff props in their salt dance performance.The Rubber Band wrote goal sheets, reflections, notes...Gever took photos of some of the aftercare kids to create small animations. Fun!