fair trade and fair labor

Where do our clothes come from? Where does our food come from? Who are the people that make that happen? Today, the Rubber Band and the Coyotes explored these ideas through looking at fair labor and fair trade in our everyday clothes and food.The Rubber Band participated in a sewing workshop making t-shirts with our textile artist Debi that incorporated a discussion of workers' rights and viewing a documentary about fair labor.IMG_4114IMG_4117IMG_4119IMG_4122IMG_4123IMG_4126The Coyotes took a field trip to Safeway armed with a map of the world and they explored the origins of the produce using stickers from the fruit and vegetables they found.DSCN0610DSCN0611DSCN0619DSCN0623DSCN0626DSCN0628DSCN0634