movie making

The Rubber Band was particularly excited today because of Max's video shoot! He's making a video for his project about unfair stereotypes, using actors from school and his home to bring his story to life. The Rubber Band-ers were on a dedicated mission together today and worked as one to help one of their number get his video done.Hair, makeup, and costumes? Check.IMG_4484IMG_4491IMG_4509IMG_4498Script run-through? Check.IMG_4502Location set-up? Check.IMG_4518IMG_4519image_2The director!image_1Lights!image_4Action!image_5Meanwhile...The go-cart boys got their frame together and took a test ride,IMAG0579IMAG0583Lola's flyer-making research took to the streets for real world examples of quick advertising,DSCN0802DSCN0809and Ben and Noah's waste station was a group effort!DSCN0789DSCN0793