
Expression is in full swing, and there is a fervor about these self-declared projects that I haven't really seen yet at Brightworks. Projects about trash and waste, street art, social justice in education and film and workers' rights, plays about important events in social justice, research projects about fairness and justice in history. The kids - and the collaborators - are getting the hang of what it takes to bring a project from start to finish: setting up goals for every day, looking at the scope of the work in terms of how long the Expression phase lasts, finding experts that give great advice, and how to get through the inevitable snags that crop up, whether from lack of information or a stall in interest. How do you stay on task? How do you motivate yourself without getting overwhelmed by the project you set out for yourself? And how do you prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed in the first place?IMG_4364DSCN0770IMG_4376photo(39)IMG_4369IMG_4366DSCN1743DSCN1741



