end of expression, mostly

It's the end of Expression! For many, the dreaded Friday deadline is pushed up against with force. For others, it's perfect timing. Some students are still in the testing and modifying and finishing touches phase; others have already started their declarations. No matter what stage they're in, however, the presentation days next week are on the calendar and parents are coming - ready or not! But the kids have tons to be proud of, and the leaps and bounds of learning and expressing their ideas - with road bumps along the way, as with any project - they have made in this Expression phase one for them to be proud of.Play rehearsalsCoyotes fairnessClementine got to see the fruits of her labor in her book drive first-hand this morning as she, Ellen, and Mackenzie drove to visit a third grade classroom at Bayshore Elementary School to deliver books to the kids there. Their teacher had hand-selected books for her students and Clementine had the chance to talk to the kids about their experience of fairness and pass out the books she's been lovingly collecting for the entire Expression phase. Her book drive has raised over $900 so far! She has a donation page through the organization First Book. Check it out!Coyotes fairnessCoyotes fairnessCoyotes fairnessCoyotes fairnessCoyotes fairnessLots of climbingCoyotes fairnessAnd choppingIMG_4642IMG_4649Presentation preparationDSCN0903DSCN0915DSCN0909DSCN0929And go-carts.DSCN0923DSCN0919


presentations day 1


hearing is believing