presentations day 2

Presentations continued this afternoon!Lucy and her fellow Coyote actors performed her play about Ruby Bridges, the first African American student to integrate into an all-white school in the 1960's. Despite a minor injury onset, the play was a beautiful story about the bravery of a six-year-old kid and the support she got from the adults in her life.DSCN0967DSCN0969IMG_4663Norabelle, Bruno, and Natasha presented their six-chapter book about people in history that fought to bring more fairness to the world. They wrote about Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King, and Louis Armstrong, and talked during their presentation about their triumphs and challenges throughout the writing process, including the challenge of using the dictionary to spell words.IMG_4669DSCN0975We moved into the dining room to hear Max talk about the process of making his movie. While the movie itself was rated 12+ for language and could not be shown during the school day, Max did a wonderful job explaining where things went right and how things went wrong, and how he learned to plan, plan, plan everything from this experience. We (the 12 and overs and those with parent permission!) saw a screening of the movie after school ended and it was pretty impressive!IMG_4674IMG_4675Back to the cork floor to hear from Madison about her study of hotel workers' rights in various unionized and non-unionized hotels. She was a pro at fielding questions from kids about what a union was, why it was considered more fair to visit a hotel with unionized labor and how it might be an unfair criticism of workers' happiness if they're an non-unionized establishment. She is excited to continue her research, she said, since this time around it was difficult to get in touch with more than the two hotels she spoke with.DSCN1860DSCN1866We heard from Thea about her study of sibling rivalry. She told us about her interviews with the siblings at Brightworks and a psychologist, and the data she gathered that told her that the amount of sibling rivalry depends on an myriad of variables, from age to gender. She explained that the research she did has changed her relationship with her own sister and now she is more aware of certain factors that affect the fights she has with her. She also showed us the linoleum carvings she did in conjunction with her book.DSCN1869DSCN1882Finally, Clementine told us about the book drive she conducted as part of her study on literacy and underprivileged children's access to books. She received over 300 books in her book drive and over $900 in monetary donations! She talked about delivering books to the students in Ms. Baker's classroom at Bayshore Elementary School and what a neat experience it was being like Santa Claus and giving books to the kids there. She asked us to remember our love of books by asking, "What was your favorite book when you were little?" at the end of her presentation.IMG_4681DSCN1900