this week

What a week! Assessment meetings, community days, portfolios, reflections, starting maps... we've had an unusual and busy week here at Brightworks - so busy I didn't have a moment to write the blog at all! Here are some highlights from the week:On Wednesday, as students floated on and off the floor for assessment meetings, we did a Community Wednesday with activities and projects scattered throughout the space. The kids ran some of their own workshops as well! Isaac ran a stencil-making workshop to teach kids the basics of what he's learned during the Fairness arc.UntitledUntitledShawna brought out clay for the kids to explore:DSCN1971DSCN1984DSCN1999Christie led a group on a geo-caching journey to find buried treasure.IMG_4729IMG_4730On Thursday, the Coyotes and the Rubber Band went on mapmaking adventures in San Francisco and Burlingame.Coyotes treasure hunt etcCoyotes treasure hunt etcCoyotes treasure hunt etcCoyotes treasure hunt etcCoyotes treasure hunt etcCoyotes treasure hunt etcDSCN2001DSCN2008DSCN2005UntitledToday at Community Lunch, Joey brought in a map that expanded or shrunk different countries according to that country's wealth. He helped us see the connections between fairness and maps by doing a money experiment - in breaking down $100, he gave out different amounts of coins and dollars according to how much of the population earns how much money. Students received three pennies all the way to $45, showing just how unequal people's wealth is distributed around the world.UntitledUntitledMonday marks the official start of the Maps arc! Here we go!