first day, third year

Year three? Year three! I can hardly believe this day is here but it's September again and Brightworks is back and better than ever. Today was the first day of school of our third year and we were so happy to open our door this morning to kids new and old filling the newly remodeled and cleaned school (prepped up until the eleventh hour last night at ten o'clock!). We're all a little older and taller and full of stories from summer but excitement to be back in session. Everyone, kids and adults alike, had first day nerves, but once the opening clap started and morning circle began, it felt right to be together in this wonderful sunny place.DSC_0061DSC_0065DSC_0079DSC_0087After circle, the bands split off to begin their days together getting to know one another and learning about what it means to be at Brightworks.DSC_0110DSCN1969DSCN1974DSCN1950UntitledDSCN1946IMAG0547IMG_1013DSC_0181DSC_0167As ever, Brightworks continues to change and grow. We're excited for this brand new year to work out some kinks, build better and stronger projects and curriculum, make an impact in our wider world and in the lives of our students, explore how kids learn and help them be aware of their own learning, create stronger bonds as a community of students, parents, and staff, and dive deep into big math ideas and small nuances of measurement. But for now, we're happy because it's day one and everyone left smiling and tired out, and we'd call that a success. There's so much more to come!