friday magic

Today was another blast of a community Friday! We celebrated Harry's birthday and had amazing tacos provided by Oscar and Lukas's parents - yum!UntitledThe playwrights - Quinn, Josh, Audrey, Lucy, Theo, Frances, and Largo - met again with Lili and Phillip today to discuss costumes and establish the storylines for their play. It's the story of a ship exploring the coast of California during the 1600s that runs into a deadly group of sirens. Quinn questioned the historical accuracy of such a scenario, but the group decided that it was more of a fantasy. They agreed that one of the tenants of creating this play is that they will all commit to acting and participating every Community Friday to get results!DSC_0567DSC_0637Isaac and Max worked together in the quiet room to record a song that Isaac has been composing for the last three days. They were incredibly, crazily excited about the fact that it was actual music with real instruments, not just synthesizers and sounds from Garage Band.DSC_0633Anthony and I (Justine) held the inaugural meeting of a pieshop idea that Gever and I thought of this summer: Pieworks! The idea is to bake mini pies in Mason jars and sell them in the community as a fundraiser. We were thrilled to see so many kids excited about the project this morning: Madison, Rhone, Alicia, Aurora, Bruno, and Natasha. Anthony and I discussed a couple of the things we have to figure out: the types of pies we'll make, the number we can bake, and where we'll sell them. Next week, we plan to do a test run of apple.DSC_0576DSC_0593Ellen bought and borrowed typewriters for an improv poetry and creative writing project in the dining room. The click-clacking and note writing filled the space! Lola composed stream-of-consciousness "hipster" poetry and did performance art. Norabelle and Aurora pretended to be secretaries and wrote memos. Bruno composed requests for newspaper articles, Alicia and Natasha used stamps to write their names and notices for others, and Madison fiddled around to make the non-working typewriters function better.DSC_0586UntitledUntitledDSC_0588Christie, Nicky, Rhone, and Ian explored the extraterrestrial and the scale of the universe, both the large and the small, and wondered where aliens exist in the grand system.Knife Throwing Club went off without a hitch again today, with reminders of the safety rules (no entering throwing zone, audio cues for readiness, silence while throwing happens) and more practice with wood blocks. So far, no one has made it to the big blade throw, but all are concentrating and working hard to get there. "I got up to untaped blades," Ben told Mackenzie. "I must have a lot of earwax." "Earwax?" Mackenzie asked. He said, "Because you make more earwax when you are afraid."DSC_0625DSC_0609DSC_0611In the art studio, Lukas, Oscar, and Jacob were busy making a games. Jacob was working on a role playing game where you choose your clan and the Dunes attack. Characters can take a portal from Jacob's game board to perhaps a more safe environment on Lukas's board.DSC_0604DSC_0597Sadie and Ramses made a hummingbird sign with Shawna. "My hands are awesome, my chocolate hands are awesome!" Ramses said when he had paint on his hands. Sadie wondered how many colors you can make with three paints you already have.DSC_0607DSC_0595Thanks so much to our picture taker, note maker, documentarian for the day: Mackenzie!