brightworks at the ocean

We started a tradition last year of heading out to Ocean Beach on the last Thursday of the school year, so we were back in the sand for a day of playing, chatting, digging holes, playing in the water, exploring the dunes, and enjoying each other's company. It was foggy, windy, and a little cold, but that didn't stop sunburns the next day on everyone's cheeks!DSCN0154IMG_8803IMG_8815IMG_8820IMG_8830IMG_8848DSCN0176DSCN0186IMG_8877IMG_8887IMG_8911IMG_8923DSCN0197DSCN0206DSCN0201DSCN0198IMG_8884DSCN0213DSCN0218We started the year with fires in our cabins at Mendocino, and ended with a bonfire at the beach. Full circle.IMG_8987IMG_8995IMG_9001DSCN0236


year three at brightworks


mirrors exposition night