
The blog has been difficult to post in the last week because the internet has been faulty at the school, but we're back! Here's a photo-look at what we've been up to:Dave came in to talk to us about neuroscience and the way the eye works to communicate with the brain to send signals about what we see and what we construct. Turns out, our eye only really gathers information from a point the size of our two thumbnails together; the rest our brain fills in with what it can assume about what's around us. "We are creating our reality at a cellular level," he said, and demonstrated the tricks our eyes play on us with some pretty amazing optical illusions. The kids were a spectacular audience!UntitledUntitledIMG_0940The Yellow Band started constructing a huge camera obscura in the media room and research lab by covering all entrances to make it really dark.IMG_0926IMG_0929IMG_0927Trips to the darkroom have continued and are resulting in some beautiful black and white photos of life in San Francisco, from the perspective of a Brightworks student.UntitledThe Orange Band visited the California Academy of Sciences and did a photo safari in the garden.IMG_0849Community Friday was a blast, as always.IMG_9601UntitledAnd Ellen made a thought-provoking, awesome Photograph art display in the art studio using the letters from a nearby photography store that (really unfortunately) recently closed.UntitledUntitled


strobe photography

