lots of filming
Lots of filming and refilming, lots of coordinating and learning from mistakes, lots of high emotions and stress and productivity to be had these days at the Brightworks Movie Studio...The Green Band learned about digital animation from Michelangelo.Khalia's set for her movie-in-a-week challenge.
Max's yellow wallpaper came for his movie of The Yellow Wallpaper, based on his script from the Book arc!
On set for The Yellow Wallpaper.
Green Band at Glen Park, filming Julian's Roman battle epic.
The Red Band has been learning about bees and pollination from Rich.
Indigo Band meets.
Green Band, more movie screening and filming.
Josh experiments with digital animation.
Laurel and JP in the new editing lab between the Blue and Green bandspaces.
Quinn is finishing the last pieces of his zombie movie... with lots of makeup.