last days of school

The last week of school is always filled with adventure and togetherness. We are filled with feelings of success at projects well done, satisfaction at coming to the end, sadness at being apart for three months, and affection for each other!Movie Arc Exposition:UntitledUntitledIMG_1165UntitledUntitledPlaying around...UntitledUntitledUntitledIMG_1177Green Band sleepover...UntitledUntitledAdventures in the world...Untitled UntitledUntitledAnd a medley of strange leftover snacks in the kitchen!IMG_1182UntitledThe annual tradition of Brightworks Beach Day:UntitledUntitledUntitledIMG_1203A last Community Lunch:UntitledAnd, of course, the celebratory dance party on the last day.IMG_1209


year four


indigo band projects