Violet: Time

Today, we started talking about time.Time is one of - if not my ultimate - favorite subjects. Especially with babes. Talking about time involves advanced physics and mathematics, involves metacognition and reflection, involves measurement and hypothesis, involves imagination and curiosity.And the best part about time is that it's accessible to everyone. Everyone has experience with time. Everyone can understand and grasp it and talk about it. But no one - not even the most advanced physicists - can define it. Time is something with which we interact on a daily basis, and yet something we barely understand.Time is beautiful.Time fits into our rock arc - and our meta-arc of change - because change and time are partners. They're almost the same thing. We measure change through time. We measure time through change.We started our time chat with listing things we "know" - or think we know - about time. After only a few moments, the board looked like this:IMG_9865By the end of our information-dumping, we had reasoned out that we - as a collective - both knew an incredible amount about time and how it affects our life, but also knew almost nothing about its very core elements.Given a few resources, they worked on a shared document to come up with thoughts, questions about time. It's a preliminary step into our exploration. It's brilliant. All the ideas and questions are directly from the group; you can read them below.  Is time just motion? Is time only defined by motion? Why do we measure time?If you went outside of the observable universe, does time exist? Would time stretch to accommodate you? Is anything outside the observable universe essentially a large black hole?Josh wonders when was the first clock created? Who created it? How did it work?Is time travel possible? Does time move?Is time outside of our solar system/galaxy?Daylight Savings Time?How does gravity affect time? What if time wasn’t a linear force? If you traveled back in time and prevented your grandmother from meeting your grandfather would you cease to exist?if we could travel back in time could we change anything, or would our trip back in time have already happened, thus anything that could be changed would have already happened?is it possible to stop time?Is time just another dimension in space we can’t visualize? If time is separate from space, why does gravity affect time? How exactly do time and space interact?IS THE FUTURE A PLACE WE CAN TRAVEL TO?IS THE PAST THE SAME?Why does time have such importance today in America, Europe, and Japan ect?Why did humans create a slightly arbitrary unit of measurement for time?Why do clocks have 12/24 hours?What are hours?What are Years?What time is it?Is time Cyclical?How far is a light year?`What percentage of the Universe’s life have I been alive?time is the only thing that isn’t a variablewe can assume that time keeps going— or happening— for, well, forevertime is just time, it is what we said it to be. whether or not we do anything, it is there. whether or not we go about our day in a timely fashion (har-har), ultimately, we do what we please while time measures HOW LONG we do it for. it’s not relative. we use time as a measurement. of course, there is the level of questioning that is time & SPACE, but we'll save that for another time. in the end, we do not know. but we can assume.we can’t travel through time. time is bigger than us. EVERYTHING IS A REFERENCE POINT.