Ain't No Mountain High Enough: Red Band

For the past few weeks the Red Band has been launching into an exploration of our surroundings. We have taken to the hills to find the best views our city has to offer. It began with a single rock which led to discussion of large rocks and mountains.We started with a walk up 18th street and over to McKinley Square which offers a lovely view of one of San Francisco's largest peaks, Mt. Sutro. On our way we spotted nearby Bernal Heights Park, a 500 foot tall peak.[embed][/embed]We spent a week working with the number and possible ways to create our own 500 foot tall mountain. With a bit of math and a bit of clay the kids created scale of 1:100 using unifix cubes to create their clay mountains. Transferring our scale from linked cubes to colored clay, one color per 100 feet, we molded mountains that were 500, 900, and 1200 feet tall right in our art studio.[embed][/embed]We then took a trip over to Bernal Heights park to hike to the top. Along the trail we estimated altitudes, admired the city below us, and faced our fear of heights one step or scoot at a time.[embed][/embed][embed][/embed]

brightworksNicole Dominguez