Rocked It

This morning to celebrate the end of the arc the Green Band sipped hot chocolate on the roof and reflected upon some of their favorite parts of the Rock Arc.UntitledMost of the kids shared moments from Mendocino: climbing trees, being silly and working through challenges.  Since we've returned from Mendocino there has been a real change in the quality of connection between the members of our band. I saw it at the Exploratorium as the group flitted like flock of chattering birds from display to display.  I saw it as they climbed trees together in the park.  I saw it as they excitedly ran around preparing the school for Exposition Night. There is a playful cohesion that celebrates the kooky individuality of all our members.UntitledWhen it was my turn to share a favorite moment from the Rock Arc I told a story from our Baker Beach field trip.  I chose this story because it was a moment when the students really embodied the values I've been trying to impart in this learning community.  The Yellow and Green bands were posted up at the North end of the beach where all of the greywacke sandstone is just begging to be climbed.  In our first exploratory foray into the rocks the kids were over excited and pushing boundaries.  I made the call to turn back because I didn't see anyone taking responsibility themselves or eachother.  They were disappointed but content to explore the tide pools and collect rocks.  Later in the day a group of students came up to me with a very level-headed proposal.  They had made rock scrambling agreements as a group.  They would:

  • Be calm and take things slow.
  • Always look for the safest route.
  • Stay together as a group.
  • Always help each other.

With these agreements in place we went on a second exploratory mission.  What happened was magical.  As we traversed the rocky terrain the kids discussed best routes together with great gravity, they pointed out foot holds and they cheered each other on.  They were being safe, charting their own course and taking responsibility for each other!Baker Beach field trip with Green BandThat there is the sweet spot.  That feeling of empowerment and care for one another is exactly what I am trying to help them find as we traverse new concepts and challenging projects.  As we turn the page on the rock arc and begin a new chapter I hope we can continue to embody these lessons.Untitled
