Let the Novel Writing Begin

UntitledNational Novel Writing Month or "Nanowrimo" is a time when students get to lock up their inner editor and let their imaginations run wild.  The month of November is given over to writing.  Focusing on quantity over quality, students write to reach a word goal and win bound copies of their story.  During December and January the students revise their work into a publishable form.  The delight on students faces when they receive their bound copies is a wonderful thing to behold.The past two weeks the Green band has been reflecting on what they love about stories and analyzing the structure of the novels they admire.  They have been inventing main characters, figuring out the driving motivations of those characters and the inventing obstacles those characters will face over the course of their journeys.  They are mapping out the rising and falling action of their plots so they are prepared to get writing on the first day of November!  Next Tuesday we will begin our week with an Nanowrimo writing party.
