Orange Band: Rock, Week 5

Friends, we are really really doing it. What do I mean by this? We are working hard, pursuing our interests guided by the idea of rock, and getting to have loads of fun along the way.This week, we got deeper into our study of labyrinths and Greek mythology, implemented the Literacy Workshop Menu, made some huge progress on our timeline, and learned a new Math Workshop game. Oh! And almost everybody's family got to come see our classroom at Back to School Night!I noticed some serious interest in the story of Theseus and the Minotaur when we visited the Lands End labyrinth last week. So, I checked out a bunch of books at different reading levels from the public library and crafted our first Literacy Workshop Menu. The Menu includes must-do activities (the 'Main Course') and choice activities (the 'Dessert'). Kiddos can choose the order in which they complete the must-do activities, and once they have, they can move on to the choices. This week, our Main Courses are to read one of of the Theseus and the Minotaur storybooks, and read one-on-one twice with me, play Bananagrams, play Quiddler, and write an entry in their reflection journal. After completing these activities, kiddos can have choice reading time, return to one of the word study games, or add to an entry in their reflection journal.2015-09-30 14.16.34-12015-09-30 14.24.09I find that kids engage best with activities that are at their level. From this point, we build in challenges, spiraling up and out to incorporate a range of skills, interests and intelligences. Providing both choices and expectations builds in a balance of level-appropriate work, along with work that stretches each one of us a bit. What's more, Nathan's presence at at least one Literacy and Math workshop each week doubles our capacity for one-on-one work, which is the best chance to differentiate work--both for students that are ready to extend, and students that need a bit more support. Yay!2015-10-01 14.23.32We got out of the classroom this week to go to Scrap and look for hook-like doo-dads for our storage unit. We're behaviorists when it comes to hooks: choose something you like and can hang your stuff from! Even if that turns out to be the wing of an Imperial jet!2015-09-30 10.55.13 2015-10-01 14.24.32The group's interest in the story of Theseus and the Minotaur has been an excellent opportunity to incorporate both play and guided reading. As the students read different versions of the story, I have an opportunity to read one-on-one with each student. We are also reading aloud a version of the story as a group. AND, the idea of the labyrinth, the monster, the hero and the helper have been popping up all over the kiddos' play. Ask your child to show you their Minotaur face!2015-10-01 15.07.55 2015-10-02 10.44.572015-10-02 10.46.26And, a week in the Orange Band wouldn't be complete without some time on the swing. See everybody on Monday!2015-10-02 15.23.07