Orange Band: Seed, Week 7

Do we ever not hit the ground running? Answer: NO.Here we go:But, WHY these projects? Answer: write an abstract to explain why we chose these particular projects. What is their significance in relation to the theme? How do they relate to our particular band's seed explorations? How will they show what we have learned as a band?2015-12-14 15.02.19-12015-12-14 15.02.11SLINGSHOTS. Need I say more? Design your seed bomb launcher; build your seed launcher; test your seed launcher; make your seed bomb launcher better.2015-12-17 11.03.20Keep telling stories! That have to do with math! Solve similar problems lots of different ways, and look how we get the same answer!2015-12-15 13.57.32Let's talk about friendship. A few weeks back, we touched on the idea that if you have a friend, chances are that you've had your feelings hurt by a friend. Having a friend is an emotional risk. And it's a risk we choose to take because we think having friends is better than not having friends. So, let's spend some time being open and honest about things that friends do that feel good, and other things friends do that make us feel sad or hurt. These kinds of conversations are so important to have in an open and non-judgmental way. It's crucial for kiddos to feel safe and supported in a learning environment, and that means knowing that their needs, wants, fears and insecurities will be heard and considered without judgement. It means knowing that they will make mistakes, and their mistakes will be met with consequences and without judgement. It means knowing that they are known, loved and supported for the whole--brilliant and flawed--humans that they are.2015-12-16 10.57.26 HDR2015-12-16 10.57.402015-12-16 11.02.172015-12-16 11.25.28Folks, we are in it. And we are not backing down.