Violet: Ski Weekend

This weekend, we're going skiing.But for now, we're in the middle of our projects!Sayuri posted her petition to extend the Alameda library hours earlier this week. You can read and sign it here: Improve West End Library Branch Hours to Seven Days a WeekMax and Jack got their fundraising page up and running! They're raising money to buy an Ultralight kit - a starter pack in building their airplane. You can read more about (and donate to!) their project here: Send Two Students into the Sky!Laurel started working at 826 Valencia this week. Cyrus and Harry are both using Unreal Engine 4 to work on their game platforms - Harry is detailing the movement, steering, and shooting of a ship; Cyrus is creating the land. Josh drafted his first iteration of a clay potter for the redesign of KitTea to make it greener and more balanced. Grace finished her survey of BWX students and staff and their interaction with age, and is creating visible boards for their results. Cassandra finished both of her essays - a persuasive paper on GMOs and a research paper on the evolution of human understanding of the universe - and is drafting out an air filtration system for her space community.In the middle of this, we started reading Brave New World. Chapter 1 done. We're so excited.And this weekend, we'll be in Tahoe for a ski trip. The band wants to play Dungeons & Dragons, so I am frantically training to be a Dungeon Master. So far, I am in way over my head.