Watch It Grow

 It has been a busy time for the Red Band.We continued our work with collaborating around the school and set up a math workshop with the Orange band. In preparation we discussed what it meant to be a teacher and worked on communicating rules and procedures. We prepared ourselves for Uno, War, and of course Cubetto. We divided ourselves up to teach each of our games to Orange while they taught us to play and score Dominoes and 10-up. Cubetto continues to help us discover process and problem solving as we create challenges for one another.[embed][/embed][embed][/embed]Our time at The Benches Community Garden have been filled with observation, recording, and weeding. We now have poppy and 3" pea sprouts. We spent the last week exploring the job of a seed which is often to flower and provide food of sorts. We observed and painted sunflowers and read. Our sunflowers and collard greens are all growing now after few kids replanted in their boxes and after four weeks of growth, we have two kids working on planter boxes to accommodate their plants' needs. We read our seed packets and did some math to figure out how much space our sprouts would need if they were to be replanted.[embed][/embed]We took a trip of the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers and learned about climates. In preparation for our trip we did some research based on our Plants book. We chose one climate and searched for plant images before choosing our favorite. Each kid had to find out the name and climate location/origin. We will continue to research these plants and climates.[embed][/embed][embed][/embed]And we began work on The Red Seed.[embed][/embed]