Blue: Human Arc / And Now For Something Different

Hello, Human Arc!To recap the amazingness that happened this week, I present to you:6 Images / 6 HaikusIMG_8984Define what it means.Brain storming while braiding, "Weare Humans Because:"

Money means nothing.We made it up and yet wePlace value on it.IMG_8975
 Why? The importantthing is being togetherWhen there's no wifi.IMG_9017
 Weird things make us us.Like drinking water from art.Or steam in an egg.IMG_9062
Lord of the Flies inthe green morning grass with cheesepuffs, hats, and Bandmates.IMG_9201
 Beyonce, race talk,sometimes unplanned, and hard totalk about: so now rules.IMG_9190


Sprouting a Human


Orange Band: HUMAN, Week 1!