Chartreuse Band: Meeting Deadlines

We are meeting deadlines left and right.NaNoWriMo...Check!Personal projects...Check!Group projects...Check (for the most part)!

It's been a busy couple of weeks as the Chartreuse Band has been pushing themselves to complete both there personal and group projects for the Seed Arc, as well as completing their NaNoWriMo stories.On Thursday and Friday, the Chartreuse Band formatted their NaNoWriMo stories and finished up their covers. We can't wait to share them once they are published!NaNoWriMobook coversThe research team has really pushed themselves to complete their projects. They have learned to take notes, organize those notes in multiple ways, create outlines, and turn all that into informative research papers. They searched for meaningful images, charts, and graphs to incorporate. They learned the importance of citing their sources. Oh, and the bamboo crew has continued to blow torch and build. Now they will find ways to present their information in engaging and informative ways.20160126_11371120160126_111250The window farmers continued their work on the window farm. These past couple weeks were not just weeks of physical work on the window farm, but it was also time for discussion and understanding. The team began to create Google Slide presentations on the process of building a window farm, reflecting on the work they have done. We watched a short video on vertical farming and shared our thoughts on these changes to traditional farming. They shared in depth their thoughts about all the possible positive negative effects vertical farming can have on the environment, the suppliers, and the consumers.By Wednesday of last week, they finally had all the necessary pieces in place to hook up the air pump and add water to the reservoir bottle. Fingers were crossed as they waited to see if the water would make into and up the tube to the top bottle. As expected, leaks were found and adjustments had to be made. Each time the water traveled a bit further up the tube, the cheers and excitement grew. The water never did make it up and over into the top bottle that day, but they also never gave up. They knew going into this project that they would run into stumbling blocks such as this and that they would need to troubleshoot the problems, and they were ready for it. The goal is to have at least two of the towers running by presentation day on Thursday. I believe in them, and the best part is, they believe in themselves.Window farmingWindow farming


Orange Band: Seed, Week 11


Orange Band: Seed, Week 10