Upper School Sex Ed

Last week, the upper school spent the entire week on a comprehensive sex ed curriculum. We made up the curriculum, of course, but it hit the following key points:- what happens to bodies?- what is sex?- what is gender?- what is consent?- what goes on in puberty and after? why?- how to be healthy and safe The first couple of days, we split the kids into unique groups. Phillip and Simons worked with half of them on understanding sex, gender, sexuality, and components of those things regarding mental and emotional levels. Willow and I took the kids and talked about biological changes and expectations in bodies and health regarding these changes.On Wednesday and Thursday, we broke up into girls and boys Q&A sessions. On Wednesday, the girls got together with the female collaborators and boys with boys. On Thursday, we switched! So girls went with the male collaborators and boys with the females.The questions were so thoughtful and helpful. It was a really wonderful week.If interested, you can check out the sex q&a document for the upper school here. It was one of my favorite weeks teaching, to be sure.


Being Human


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