Orange Band: Human, Week 15

We had an awesome week: Expo Night, Stow Lake field trip with the Red Band, Beach Day, and SFMOMA this morning. The copy you'll read below is the letter I wrote each Orange Bander to close our Class Meeting Journal.Dear Emilio, Gita, Isaac, Oscar, Ramses, Sadie and Tesla,One last group photo as we left the MOMA this morning.We Made it! We've had so much fun working hard and learning together.Tesla and Sadie were our posting putting up team! While some kiddos finished typing the captions for their posters and Gita worked on her skull, those two helped everyone out by putting on brown paper backing and using a mallet and thumbtacks to hang their bandmates posters for Expo Night.We've laughed, cried, broken, fixed, played and worked our way through 37 weeks of school--wowee!Gita had her work cut out for her on Monday afternoon. Since her second clay skull dried inside the cast, it cracked as we tried to remove the plaster. Amanda Simons came down to help take the cast off and get her started fitting the puzzle pieces back together. After about an hour and a half of piecing them together, and trying to glue them together, we decided it would be quicker to tape the cast back together and make another skull.Throughout, y'all have come to our class meetings with honesty, sincerity and vulnerability.2016-06-08 11.49.13-2Isaac and Reyahn climbing a tangle of tree trunks on our field trip to Stow Lake.Because of your caring nature and willingness to take emotional risks, we've grown so much as friends.Oscar and Emilio hung out all day for Beach Day. Because they really like each other. 2016-06-10 11.30.082016-06-10 11.35.27Love,Piper 


Yellow Band: By Air, Week 1


The Alan Rickman Experience