A few of our favorite things

Welcome to week four everyone! The Red band is at the helm this week authoring our blog as we learn about the writing process. We started with a lesson on captions: the words that talk about the picture #kiddictionary. Each kiddo chose one or two pictures from our week to caption and add to their journal. Enjoy![embed]https://flic.kr/p/MwpqFx[/embed]MEZRiNG ALBUTZHROZiZ WiNZ /Dash "Measuring albatross wings"[embed]https://flic.kr/p/Mwpv5n[/embed]ME DRAWING IN MY JOURNAL/ Abir[embed]https://flic.kr/p/MmnfaJ[/embed]Me aD ROOn MaF/ Khalilah "Me and Ronin doing math"[embed]https://flic.kr/p/Mwpqy8[/embed]"Dash drawing wings with Nathan."/ Sylvester[embed]https://flic.kr/p/MmneeL[/embed]me and may are reading. /Ronin[embed]https://flic.kr/p/MmnfYN[/embed]LOOKING AT ANIMALS/ May[embed]https://flic.kr/p/Mwpq5T[/embed]QiNN iS TAKiNG TAPE/ Calvin[embed]https://flic.kr/p/Mwpu8H[/embed]"Here I am writing the word bird like Khalilah. After I drew a great big bird."/ Quinn


A Digression Into Parachutes


Taking on a Second Iteration, Mathing it Up, Persuading Others, and the Bridge