Iterate, iterate, iterate...

Each student made a mini zine to collect their feedback.The Amber Band has been hard at work on their expression projects. Last week our goal was to have a second iteration ready for feedback. Each project built off of its first iteration, incorporating feedback from experts, and utilizing more advanced tools and materials. Students sought out feedback from fresh eyes in the Brightworks community, asking questions like: What do you think the purpose of my project is? What did you learn from my project? What are you still wondering about my project?Elijah learned that he would need to make some structural readjustments to his ladder to make it safer. He was quick to take apart his second iteration. For iteration three he'll broaden the base, fix some joint gaps, and add more support on the sides. Declan was having some trouble getting the soldering metal to stick to his copper piston. He cleaned his copper well, helping the metal to stick, but now the edges were bumpy. To smooth out the joints he used a blowtorch and some welding tools. Norabelle, Khalia, and Ella got some feedback to clean up the surface of their machine by replacing the tape with hot glue. They've already started replacing the tape for iteration three, and continue to add more chain reactions to their Rube Goldberg Machine. Oscar did some user testing of his RFID tracker, and learned that the BWX LARPing community is eager to use it. Audrey got some feedback on the variables of her experiment, and learned that she wouldn't need to make an airlock, just an antechamber. Felix is working on incorporating more visuals into the third iteration of his infographic to show the many effects of walking meditation. Rhone's second iteration is looking ready for the final design, using large PVC pipes as the wheels for his drift trike.


The Experience of Expression From the Teal Banders


Yellow Band: By Land, Weeks 10 and 11