Beehive Beginnings
Hello Everyone and welcome to the first Red Band blog of the year! You did it, you're here. We've made it through our first two weeks of school and are chugging right along. We have welcomed a new set of collaborators to the #brightworksbeehive, the Red Band! Other characters include, the Yellow Band (last year's Red minus Quinn *side note* we all miss you), Piper, Nathan, and me, Nicole. Before we dive into our year of connections, beginning with coin, I thought I'd share a bit about how we ended up here and what's going on.This summer I became a certified yoga and wellness teacher and am over the moon to share these practices with our community. One of my favorite moments was watching my team, The Shining Conquerors, help each other do a head stand, it was amazing! I also attended the elementary training of Responsive Classroom with Nathan, Mary Catherine, Melissa, and Rachel. My favorite moment here was our last day when we all shared what we thought Responsive Classroom was before we came and what we think it is now that we've completed our week. I was happy to hear that I was not the only one who really just wasn't sure what kind of magic it held and again, am pumped to bring a new set of tools to the Brightworks family.All of this summer excitement had me dreaming up big dreams and with the support of our wonderful Beehive and Shop crews (and my nieces too) the courtyard and library each got a bit of fairy dust for us all to enjoy. Now back to the beginning, a day in the life.
The bees of the Hive are getting to know each other, watching and talking to one another, asking for reminders of names, and help with what is happening, where to go, and how to do it. This is amazing because this is my job and Nathan's job, and Piper's job. Our days begin with a morning meeting: a greeting- a hello by saying your name or someone else's, a share- like your favorite lunch, an activity: we've been learning different ways to breathe, and a message: "Happy Friday Red! It's breakfast for lunch in the Orchard today and Orange will be stopping by before park."
Snack is next and so important, we get to eat together and talk about our food, our interests, and what's on our minds. After we have center time and using Responsive Classroom practices we are interactive modeling each material: how to use it and how to put it away. The kids rotate through three activities each morning then head out for park with Nathan, Daniel, Kimberly, and the Blue Band. We're all eating lunch together in the Hive this year too.
We ease into our afternoons with some quiet time, AKA I just ate and need to lie down for a moment while I listen to a story. Then we've had choice time. Here you're likely to see past centers pop up allowing the kids to really dig in to their morning explorations or flutter from place to place. The most dramatic and grande reveal so far has been the library and while we are still learning how to pace ourselves at school we spent our last four afternoons cuddled up in the pillows, couches, and chairs. Then it's time to say goodbye for the day and get ready to do it again.
Our first two weeks also helped us discover our group agreements for the year based on our hopes and dreams, the steps we need to reach those goals, and ways to support each other until we reached: 1) stick together, 2) make a plan, 3) listen and take turns, and 4) be safe. These all-encompassing agreements will help guide us throughout the yearBe sure to follow along with our adventures here on the blog and on Instagram with @bwpma, @bwx_nathan, and bwx_nicole for all things #brightworksbeehive and #sfbrightworks.