First Green Band Blog Post!
In the first two weeks of school, the Green Band focused on identity work and getting to know one another! With three new students, a new collaborator and a newly renovated band space, Charlotte, Demarcus, Gita, Griffin, Liam, Lucy, Phoebe, Piper and Rachel tackled different ways of representing our inside and outside selves.
For one of these exercises we created Identity Icebergs, in which the surface of the iceberg shows what one can see on the outside (brown hair, nose ring, tattoos—don’t worry, that one is Rachel’s), and below the surface we wrote traits you would only know if you got to know us (lives alone, scared of the dark, stubborn).
To prepare for our collaborative band mural, we took a walk to Clarion Alley in the Mission and studied some of the different murals. After doing a few more identity activities, we each came up with our own image or symbol to embody our interests, strengths and personalities. These images will make up our band mural. For technical support, we got some help from Rachel’s artist friend, Rachel (with puppy Ozzy.)