Cloth Catch-up

Hello again from the Hive. We've been buzzing right along in the Hive moving from exploration into expression. While the Hive tried their hand at many different aspects of working with cloth we landed on the expression of stories using cloth with puppets. Along with puppeteering expert Daniel Gill, the kids have learned how to animate  a variety of puppets from pieces of cloth to mouth plates, hand puppets, marionettes, and stick puppets with the main idea being, anything can be a puppet. Each lesson has taught us a new skills to move, animate, and bring to life the characters we create.[embed][/embed]Lesson 1: Get Creative[embed][/embed][embed][/embed]Lesson 2: Anything Can Be A Puppet[embed][/embed]Lesson 3: Bringing Your Puppet To LifeOur first iteration of our puppet theater evolved from a window to adding wings for waiting behind the scenes. Next a second panel was added to provide a place for backgrounds to hang as well as the possibility of using marionettes. Our first planning meeting of the second iteration of the puppet theater was about outlining the work the kids had done so far and labeling parts in order to create a cut list for our plywood. We then added the constraints that the puppet theater be able to close flat for storage. While we still have work to do with accessorizing the puppet theater, we had our first kid test on Friday. We even used our projector to play with shadows and add backgrounds.[embed][/embed][embed][/embed][embed][/embed][embed][/embed]Stay tuned to see our final edits and additions for the puppet theater!


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