#bwxcredo rollout

Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year everyone! Last spring Justine helped the students form our first iteration of the Brightworks Student Council. Together they created a questionnaire that went out to each member of the school and in the Hive we worked together to answer questions like: What do you enjoy most about BWX? When do you feel supported at BWX? What makes you feel safe at BWX?The responses were reviewed and condensed into our first version of the Brightworks Credo that was presented to the staff in August. During our setup weeks, the staff worked together to solidify language that would reach community members of all ages which we lovingly named our Credo, a set of 10 values we hope all members of the Brightworks family can work towards. Throughout our first month of school each band worked to present each point of the credo to the whole school during morning circle and an encore performance in the Hive during snack time with the Yellow band presenting the Hive's work at the Orchard.What a way to kick off the year. This year we will use our credo as our group agreements in the Hive. We have also turned our doors into our wall of fame covered by the faces of our wonderful community. We are looking forward to planning our puppeteering day with Indigo, art with Violet, stop-motion with Amber, and so many more exciting cross-band experiences this year!




Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork