Student led conferences

Assessment. There is something about this word that evokes school uniforms, imperious teachers and students hunched over desks taking tests. It carries the baggage of decades of hierarchical classrooms, but this word has beautiful origins. Assessment comes from the Latin root assidre, which means ‘to sit beside.’ Built into this word is a tenant dear to the Brightworks philosophy: that students have ownership over their own learning and work side by side with their collaborators. 

In the words of John Dewey, “We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.” 

How we reflect with students on their growth might just be the most important factor in developing their sense of agency. In a school without tests and letter grades, how do we show evidence of our students’ growth and learning? Simply by looking at the work itself and reflecting on it with our students!

There will be early release days (at 2:00pm) next week on December 6th, 7th, and 8th to accommodate student led conferences with students, collaborators, and families. This is an opportunity for students to share the work they have been doing over the past months and reflect on their learning with their family members and collaborators. By holding conferences mid-arc, we give students a chance to better incorporate the reflections and feedback that arise during conferences.

After conferences, families will have a written assessment that features both student reflection and collaborator feedback. Families will also receive a reflection at the end of the arc focused on expression projects.

Lower School Families

This year we have a slight change for our lower school families.  Our lower school students will be preparing to share their learning with their parents in a share day festival on Friday Dec. 15th from 9:15-9:45/10.  Parents will get a guided tour from their students of their learning, they will share their GLOWS and GROWS (work they are proud of and areas they are working on).  For families that are not able to make it, your gem will be paired with another adult in our community or their Buddy. You can make other arrangements to snuggle with your gem another time. Please reach out to your collaborator.  For little gem families next week’s conferences will just be between the collaborator and families.  

We look forward to seeing you all on campus soon!


Group Project Showcase: Silkscreen for Change


High School Group Project Has Begun