Piper Alldredge Piper Alldredge

Yellow Band: by Air, Week 2

Here are a handful of pictures, emphasizing our effort to weave math provocations into arc-based work.This week, we learned some fun facts about our local airport: SFO. We started by making a list of places we'd like to fly to, with a twist. Each Yellow Bander needed to include 1 destination in California, 3 in the US outside of CA, and 2 destinations outside the US.We kept working on our space improvement projects, planter boxes and benches, in maxed band groups.We practiced playing some of the word games that will be choices during morning workshop times.We went to the library and checked out ALL OF THE BOOKS.We discovered these cool videos all about SFO, and learned that 60 planes/hour can land at our local airport. Then, we thought about how we could figure out how many planes could land there in one day, and used base ten blocks to model.We practiced some continuous like drawing, pretending our pens were stuck to the page as we drew items from around our bandspace. It was challenging because it's so different from how we normally draw or write!We took breaks, sometimes in very aesthetically pleasing ways.Have a great weekend, and see y'all on Monday!

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