Brightworks Blog
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Orange Band: Human, Week 7
I was so glad to have everyone back this week--we missed you Tesla and Emilio!We started the week with some baking, then wrapped up our Lower School book Clubs with a tea party Tuesday morning and our Wednesday afternoon journal entry, went to Pace Art on Thursday, then did another of Herve Tullet's art workshops for children on Friday morning.Monday morning, we got ready for our day in character on Tuesday. Kids thought about questions that others might have for the humans that we read about in the biographies we read for our book club discussions. Kids were so excited to do this--some even copied their questions and answers onto notecards so they could practice.
Wowee, these kiddos really did it with their costumes! We had an Albert Einstein, Anne Frank, 2 Rosa Parks, a Martin Luther King, Jr., a Thomas Edison and an Amelia Earhart. There were leather jackets, wigs, stripes, glasses, colored hairspray, suit jackets, ties and face paint. On Monday afternoon we baked cookies and made finger sandwiches with ingredients that we got on a walk to Rainbow last Community Friday afternoon. Yum!
Tuesday morning tea party!
After a great morning at the garden on Wednesday, working on clearing pathway we started last week, we came back to school and wrote an entry in our journals about how we are similar and different from the historic humans we read about. I haven't had a chance to read all of these entries, but I know we have some troublemakers, deep thinkers and adventurous kiddos here in the Orange Band.And Thursday we went to Pace Art + Technology in Menlo Park to see the cool Living Digital Space exhibit. It was so fun! Here are just a few pictures, and make sure to check out the Red Band's flickr to see more.
Friday morning, we tried another of Herve Tullet's Art Workshops for Children, this time painting with music. I felt really prepared, with a piece of paper taped to the tables for each person, a playlist, and pallets of paint. Kiddos would move from one painting to the next, musical chairs-style, with the music, painting based on what they heard and felt. The best laid plans though...After reiterating that each kiddo should add on to the previous artists' work when they arrived at a painting, we ended up with a couple finished paintings that truly represent the work of each Orange Bander. Better luck next time!