bike repair and pottery
Our students' parents are incredibly multi-talented... during this exploration phase we're lucky to have taken so much of their time and take advantage of their willingness to share their skills and passions!This morning, Nate showed the kids all about bike repair using Mackenzie's broken bike as a patient.Mark came in to challenge the kids with more complicated knots.A few continued to practice their knitting.A little more clay experimenting.In the afternoon, a group took a trip to Ruby's Clay Studio in the Castro and got a tour of the pottery studio from Richard and a few of the other potters there.This artist was just about to make the finishing touches on her pressed leaves in resin and asked the kids to join her for the final steps in her art.Looking around at the facility.And of course, no day during this Exploration would be complete without the stench of cooking oil filling the school every afternoon. But the fryers have developed a series of variables to test during their exploration, making the idle potato-frying activity into a complex project.