splitting three ways
When you have three teachers and a bucketful of options for a day at Brightworks, what else can you do but split up three ways and do different things?Chane took a bunch to San Rafael to visit world-renowned woodcarver Ian Agrell at his studio. A hand carver who not only was teaching that day but also does hours upon hours of beautiful carving, Ian took precious hours out of his day to spend time with the kids and was proud to show them his work.Ian's sketch for a new design.
What could be cooler than a parrot than a talking parrot?
Hand-carved furniture.
Back at school, the potato work continues.
The Flying Fish made prints out of plaster of tracks that they found at Glen Canyon Park. When they got back to school, they studied the prints and tried to guess what kind of animals had made them.
Ben guessed a coyote.
Logan drew a wolf.
And some recollection about the day.
No school for Veterans' Day. Be back Monday!